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Version: 4.0.0

Updating Cluster Certificates with sealos cert

The cert command in Sealos is used to update the API server certificates in a cluster. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to use this command and its options.

Basic Usage

To add domain names or IP addresses to the certificate, you can use the --alt-names option:

sealos cert --alt-names,,,localhost

In the above command, replace,,,localhost with the domain names and IP addresses you want to add.

Note: It is recommended to back up the old certificates before performing this operation.

After executing the sealos cert command, the API server certificates in the cluster will be updated. You don't need to manually restart the API server as Sealos will automatically handle the restart.


The cert command provides the following options:

  • --alt-names='': Adds domain names or IP addresses to the certificate, e.g., or

  • -c, --cluster='default': Specifies the name of the cluster on which to perform the exec operation. Default is default.

Each option can be followed by an argument.

Certificate Verification

After updating the certificates, you can use the following commands for verification:

kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml
openssl x509 -in /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt -text

The above commands retrieve the kubeadm-config ConfigMap in the kube-system namespace and display detailed information about the apiserver.crt certificate.

That concludes the usage guide for the sealos cert command. We hope this helps you. If you have any questions or encounter any issues during the process, feel free to ask us.